United Discontent

Chuang Tzu Based on James Legge’s Translation

3: Thoughts on mastery 

To be unthought of by the foot that wears it is the fitness of a shoe; to be unthought of by the waist is the fitness of a girdle. When one’s wisdom does not think of the right or the wrong (of a question under discussion), that shows the suitability of the mind (for the question); when one is conscious of no inward change, or outward attraction, that shows the mastery of affairs. He who perceives at once the fitness, and never loses the sense of it, has the fitness that forgets all about what is fitting.

◑ When we are comfortable, we don’t have to offer much thought on bodily conditions by and large. It is different when there are aches, strictures and pinches.

◑ Deep ability may not have to be much verbalised.

One Comment on “Chuang Tzu Based on James Legge’s Translation”

  1. switch607 says:

    also kind of like the tao te ching part 11
    Tao Te Ching: Chapter 11
    translated by Ursula K. Le Guin (1998)
    Thirty spokes
    meet in the hub.
    Where the wheel isn’t
    is where it’s useful.

    Hollowed out,
    clay makes a pot.
    Where the pot’s not
    is where it’s useful.

    Cut doors and windows
    to make a room.
    Where the room isn’t,
    there’s room for you.

    So the profit in what is
    is in the use of what isn’t.

say something